

Sustainability brings profoundly different innovations to Companies: new opportunities, new processes, new responsibilities, new risks.

Studio Legale Improda offers comprehensive ad hoc assistance with Sustainability, thanks to a specialized and interdisciplinary approach.

The analysis and assessment of Companies’ ESG performances are crucial to thedevelopment of effective Improvement and Renewal Plans concerning Companies’operational processes.

Innovation for Sustainability creates value in Businesses, worthy of enhancementand protection through Know-How, Patents, Brands, Softwares, Designs.

Sustainability leads to new needfuls in terms of Risk Management: Companiesnecessitate to implement advanced Risk Management Measures and apply foradequate Insurance Coverage.

Sustainability entails a different concept of Compliance in Companies, one thatfosters the culture of Corporate Risk and aims at achieving CompetitiveAdvantage.

Sustainability affects Companies’ Contracts, which require to be appropriatelycalibrated, both from the negotiation and Parties’ obligations standpoints.

Sustainability impacts on Corporate Governance, influencing RemunerationStrategies, Diversity Policies, Meritocracy, Focus on Culture, Enforcement ofRights.